How can I merge elements?
How to differentiate a Check-in from a Visit?
How to use the microphone for mobile transcription?
How do I activate Power Saving Mode?
How can I sign a document?
How to cancel your ForceManager subscription
Contact your clients by WhatsApp
What are suggestions after Check-in?
What does the loading image mean when I create an account?
Siri Integration
iOS Notifications
Preview your files before downloading them!
How to do the first check-in?
Metadata in ForceManager
Can you keep the filters applied when closing ForceManager and logging back in?
Using Advanced Filters
Can a draft be saved in ForceManager?
Quick creation from the Dashboard
Quick Entity Creation
Add photos to your activities
What is the Magic Card?
When do I receive notifications?
How to flag an element and what does it imply?
Associated Entity Creation
What is the post-call report?
How to add documents to ForceManager
How can I share a task with another user?
What is a phone call activity?
Can a report be deleted?
How can I share or send an activity?
Can I export data?
How to update your payment method?
What version of Outlook do I need to install the Outlook add-in in ForceManager?