🔗 This feature is available for all plans.
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This chart allows you to analyze the type of activity during the selected period and users. It displays the number of visits, emails, calls, activity, call duration, etc. The data can be visualized in various charts and time formats.
In the left-hand dropdown menu, you can filter your activity by:
Call Time
User Activity Score
New Opportunities
At the top-right corner of the chart, you will find a grid of icons with various display options.
Gráfico de valores absolutos, muestra un gráfico sin apilar, será muy eficaz para ver valores absolutos y analizar los valores que más impacto generan.
Absolute Value Chart: This chart displays an unstacked graph and is very effective for viewing absolute values and analyzing the values that have the most impact.
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Aggregate Absolute Value Chart: Stacks the absolute values by summing the entire series, making it practical for reviewing the total volume of all activity. | |
Percentage Distribution Chart: Useful for assessing relative status, regardless of specific momentary increases; it presents the data in percentages. | |
Manage the hourly distribution of activity. | |
View the chart by day, week, or month |