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Video Check-in or Videocall?
Video Check-in or Videocall?
Training avatar
Written by Training
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In this article, a Video Check-in and a Videocall are activities automatically generated by Sage Sales Management when the Microsoft Teams or Zoom integration has been activated.

What is the difference between a Video Check-in and a Videocall?

When creating an event in the Sage Sales Management Calendar, in the “Activity type” field, you can select the options: Video Check-in or Videocall. Please note that the activity Video-in might not always be present based on your configuration.

What you select in the event “Activity type” field will define if your online meeting will be registered in the application as an activity of type Video Check-in or VideoCall and therefore, if this activity will be counted as a Check-in or a normal Activity in the ForceManager analytics section.

1. Video Check-in

A Video Check-in is a virtual meeting with a customer. If you select this option, when you join the meeting the day of the event, this activity will be registered in the application as a “Video Checkin”.

It will count in the CRM as if you had done an “onsite” in-person Check-in, in particular this will have an impact in the interactions and scores calculated for each user in the Reports and Sales Analytics sections.

Therefore, if the integration has been activated and if the activity type “Video Check-in” has been enabled, the Check-in concept in Sage Sales Management will include both onsite and online Check-ins.

Schedule a Video Check-in:


Video Check-in activity type:


2. Videocall

A Videocall is a virtual activity with a customer. If you select this option, when you join the meeting the day of the event, this activity will be automatically registered in Sage Sales Management as a “Videocall”.

It will count in the CRM as if you would done another Activity, in particular counting just as a normal Activity (and not a Check-in) in the interactions and scores calculated in the Reports and Sales Analytics sections for each user.

Therefore, if the integration has been activated, the Activity concept will include both standard activities and online video meetings.

Schedule a Videocall:


Videocall activity type:


Want to know more?

Why did we include this difference?

The reason is to replicate exactly what Sage Sales Management allows to do for in-person activities/checkins with virtual meetings. So if you want that a Microsoft Teams or Zoom call count as geolocalized visits in the Reports and Sales Analytics section, then you will have to use Video Check-ins. In fact, keep in mind that Video Check-ins are “verified” like Geolocalized Check-ins, in fact these can only be generated if a Sales Rep clicks on the Join Video call button – so it is very likely he will have “talked” to the customer for real, like when he visits a customer and performs a geolocalized check-in.

Instead if you don’t want Video conferences to count as Check-ins in the Reports and Sales Analytics you can just use the Videocall activity type. Also in this case the activity can be only generated if the Sales Rep clicks on the Join Video call button but the statistics will consider this activity as a normal activity.

So thanks to this difference it is up to you to decide how much important are Video conferences with customers.

Are video conference for your business as important as actual visits?
Then probably you should use Video Check-ins to track them.

Are they just as importat as a normal phone call?
Then probably you should just use the Videocall activity type (and not ask to have activated also the Video Check-in type).

In any case our Customer Success managers and Support team are here to reply to any question you might have!

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