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Weekly activity report for Professional and Performance plans.
Weekly activity report for Professional and Performance plans.
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Written by Training
Updated over a month ago

📌 This feature is available for all Professional and Performance plans.

For detailed information on each plan, you can check 👉 here.

Weekly Activity Report

The weekly activity report provides a set of key indicators to assess commercial performance. If you manage a sales team, you will have the option to select a specific sales representative to review their activity and download the report in PDF, Excel, or Word format.

The report consists of several sections, each containing the following information:

1. Activity Summary

This section provides a comparison of your activity over the past week versus the last 30 days:

  • Check-ins: The total number of geolocated visits completed.

  • Management actions: The total number of emails and manually recorded management actions, such as reporting the content of an important phone call.

  • Calls: The total number of outgoing calls made from within the application.

  • Emails: The number of emails sent and received (excluding internal emails exchanged between company users).

  • New accounts: The total number of newly assigned accounts.

  • New contacts: The total number of new contacts created.

  • New opportunities: The total number of new opportunities where the report user has been assigned as the responsible salesperson.

2. Coverage (30 Days)

The table provides a summary of the companies that have received the most attention, based on the activity score generated by Sage Sales Management.

3. Absolute Activity

The graph displays absolute activity values, showing the total recorded activity in Sage Sales Management per month. It allows a breakdown of the number of:

  • Emails

  • Management activities

  • Calls

  • Check-ins

4. Hourly Distribution of Activity

This graph presents the hourly distribution of all recorded activities in the application.

It collects all activities from the last 30 days, displaying the number of activities carried out at each hour (from 0:00 to 24:00). The bars in the graph represent each hour of the day.

5. Activity by Segments (Based on Visit Cycle)

This section summarises the coverage of each company segment, based on the type of activity. Unlike other graphs, which consider the last 30 days, this report follows the visit cycle established for each segment.

For example:

  • If a Category A company has a 30-day visit cycle, this report will analyse activity for the last 15 days.

  • If Category D companies have a 90-day visit cycle, the report will consider all activities from the past 90 days.

There are three types of activities included in this report:

  • Visits: These include check-ins and visit-type management actions.

  • Management actions & calls: This includes all other management actions (emails, manually generated activities) and calls.

  • Inactive: This includes all companies that have not had any recorded activity.

6. Opportunity Pipeline (Weighted Amount)*

The pipeline section provides a graphical representation of all opportunities, divided by status and weighted amount.

💡 Note: The weighted amount is calculated by multiplying the total opportunity value by the probability of successassigned by the sales representative.

📌 Only active opportunities are displayed in the pipeline. Won or lost opportunities are not included, as they are no longer considered open.

To the right of the opportunity funnel, a summary section displays:

  • The number of opportunities and their weighted value that expire within the next 7 days.

  • Opportunities with an expected closing date that has already expired.

  • The total number of won opportunities, along with their total value.

  • The number of opportunities marked as lost in the past week, including their total value.

📌 In this report, all open opportunities are calculated using the weighted value.

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