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How to create a user?
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Written by Training
Updated over a month ago

This feature is only available for the following plans:



Click here for more information on our plans.

To create a new user you must complete a series of fields with the requested data. Access the form by clicking on the button “Create Users”.


A screen is displayed, divided into three tabs:

  • User Data. This is where you add the user’s nickname, Sage Sales Management login data (email, mobile number, phone extension and password), basic user information (name, surname, photo, external ID – required for synchronizations with other applications).

  • Roles and Permissions. You can see roles and permissions of users from this tab. Specific responsibilities are assigned to a user depending on their role and/or position in the company. A description is provided for each permission level. You can see what role has been assigned to a user by clicking above each permission level.

  • Synchronizing Emails. Add the email account that needs to be synchronized. This will allow the user to synchronize their email account.

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