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Commercial Route Planner
Commercial Route Planner

Optimise the efficiency and productivity of your sales team through better route organisation.

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Written by Training
Updated over 2 months ago

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The Sage Sales Management feature helps the sales team manager support the sales team in maintaining effective coverage of their client portfolio preventing business opportunities from being missed due to lack of visits.

This article will help you effectively plan the week for your sales team. By using mass event creation, you can easily associate all tasks to a specific user.

Feature Description

The commercial Route Planner optimises salespeople’s time by allowing more visits in the same period and reduces travel time by planning more efficient routes. It also facilitates the evaluation of different routes to choose the most appropriate one based on distance and time criteria.

How to Create a Planned Route in Sage Sales Management

1. Access Companies and Make Your Selection

Access the Companies menu and from there select the companies you want to add to the route. You can segment and filter your companies by location, select those that have not been visited in the last 30 days, or any other relevant criteria.

2. Schedule Your Events or Tasks

Once you have selected the group of companies to visit, click on the schedule icon.

A window will open with the planner, which will automatically generate events and tasks for the indicated day. You can also define other values such as:

• Planning type

• Date and time of the first meeting

• Management type

• Time between meetings

• Responsible person

• Duration of the meeting

3. Preview the Route

By clicking on View Day’s Route, you can see how the route is configured. The travel distance and estimated time will also be displayed. You can easily adjust the route if necessary simply by changing the order of the companies to visit. Once changes are made to the route order, you can recalculate the route to see if it has been optimised.

4. Route Management from Mobility

Salespeople outside the office will receive notifications if events are assigned to them. Your team will be able to view and access the day’s route from their current location, providing information in context.

5. Analysis and Comparison

You can compare the actual route taken with the planned route using the activities section in the web application. This article will explain how to do it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the entire week be planned with Sage Sales Management’s route planner?

The functionality allows planning day by day, segmenting and obtaining the specific route for each day with Google Maps. This helps to dynamically and interactively obtain the route distance and time.

Is it necessary to update the application to access this functionality?

Yes, it is recommended to use the latest available version of the application. Updates are usually automatic, but there will always be an option or reminder message to update when a new version is available.

Can the route be scheduled based on the longest time since the last activity?

Yes, Sage Sales Managementr allows using a standard filter that shows lists of companies by last activity, such as the last 7 days or the last 30 days. This filter is available in both the web and mobile applications, facilitating portfolio coverage.

Is it possible to save planned routes?

Currently, routes cannot be saved permanently. Events are managed autonomously by each user. However, administrators or supervisors can assign mass events and modify routes from the calendar. Learn how to do it here.

Can the route be sent to navigation applications like Waze or Google Maps?

Yes, when moving to the next event, the route can be opened in applications like Waze or Google Maps to get directions from the current location to the client’s address. This is compatible with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay.

What happens if the client records are incomplete or not geolocated?

If a client is not geolocated, the planner will indicate that it cannot locate it on the map and will not define a route point for that event. It is recommended to geolocate all clients when capturing their data, especially if done from the mobile application, as geolocation is done automatically.

Does the route planning functionality allow for business opportunities?

Currently, the functionality is focused on generating routes for clients. The possibility of generating routes for business opportunities is being considered for future updates based on user feedback.

What to do if a route is not generated automatically?

If the route is not generated, it may be due to various reasons, such as a lack of precise geolocation data or the existence of more than 25 events in a single route.

How to manage potential clients that are not yet registered in Sage Sales Management?

To manage potential clients, they must first be included in ForceManager. This can be done via the web, through a mass upload, or directly from the mobile application. Once registered, they can be managed like any other client in the database. More information in this article.

How to ensure the route planning functionality is available in my application?

The functionality is being updated progressively. If there are any issues, contact the support team by sending a message in our chat at, or contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

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