You can change the password on your mobile device or on the web application.
Remember that the password must have 7 characters minimum and 30 characters maximum and, at least, one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one number.
The process is as follows:
On Android
Once signed into Sage Sales Management, in the dropdown menu, you will see the customisation option (a cog), the location of which may vary according to the device.
You will see the option “Edit Profile”.
You must enter your former password (Current password) and the new password twice (password and password verification).
On iOS
Once signed into Sage Sales Management, in the bottom menu, click on 'More'.
Within the 'more' option select 'Settings'.
At the top of the settings screen you will find your user details (name and profile picture), click and you will access a screen where you must enter your current password and then, the new password twice (password and password verification). Once you've done this, save to apply changes.
On the web application
Once you have signed into ForceManager, click on the user picture to access My profile.
Select the option “My Profile” and "Change your password".
You will see the “Edit” option, where you can enter the new password.