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WhatsApp activities in Sage Sales Management
WhatsApp activities in Sage Sales Management
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Report your WhatsApp messages in Sage Sales Management. This strategic alliance will streamline the communication process you already have with your clients via WhatsApp in Sage Sales Management. Its purpose is to collect and centralize all conversations related to the sales cycle, providing a 360° view of all interactions with customers or leads, enabling better tracking and creating more sales opportunities.

This feature is active by default inside the application, and it is accessible via the web and mobile versions of the CRM, without the need for any prior configuration, and regardless of whether you use WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business.


1. Benefits and Gains of Reporting Your WhatsApp Messages in Sage Sales Management


Increase sales opportunities by conducting more comprehensive follow-ups, thanks to the ability to collect and analyze conversations with customers and leads in one place.


Improve visibility of the sales interactions performed through WhatsApp by registering outgoing and incoming messages from business contacts.


Maximize efficiency and productivity by simplifying the process of logging and reporting valuable WhatsApp conversations that impact the sales process.


Easy data analysis and insights by having access to a WhatsApp messages history inside the activity menu.


Enhance the accuracy of activity records by collecting data directly from customer interactions on WhatsApp.

2. How to use the WhatsApp and Sage Sales Management functionality in the mobile version?

From the mobile version of Sage Sales Management, you have two flows that will help you get the most out of this functionality. These flows facilitate the communication between Sage Sales Management and WhatsApp in both directions.

2.1 - Sending WhatsApp messages from Sage Sales Management

First, you can initiate communication with your customers through WhatsApp directly from the mobile version of Sage Sales Management. To do this, follow the steps outlined in the following video:

You can also access this feature by clicking on the phone number inside the contact or account file.

  1. Begin by displaying the side menu and tap on the "Send WhatsApp" button, then locate the recipient contact and tap on their name.

  2. Type your message or dictate it using the microphone.

  3. Tap on the "Send" button (Sage Sales Management will request a correction if the phone number is incorrect in order to ensure the message is delivered successfully.)

  4. Finally, you can attach images and documents to your message before pressing the "Send" button.

  5. After sending the message, the app will inform you of the new WhatsApp activity. You can edit, share, or delete it by accessing the file.

Note: Attached images and documents to your WhatsApp activity will be shown in the Activity menu in their own file.

2.2 - Log past WhatsApp messages

You can log past messages by taking a screenshot if a customer or lead initiates the conversation or replies to your messages on WhatsApp, allowing you to document relevant interactions for the sales cycle or business process. Discover how to accomplish it:

    1. Inside the conversation, take a screenshot.

    2. Tap the "Share" button and select the "Sage Sales Management" app.

    3. In this step, the app will ask: "What do you want to do with these images?" Choose from the following options:

      • Create a new activity: This option registers the screenshot as a new activity, and allows you to determine the type of activity.

      • New WhatsApp Activity: This option registers the screenshot as a new WhatsApp activity.

      • Attach to an existing activity: This option attaches the screenshot inside an existing activity.

4. Once you have chosen one of the options, fill out the required fields and finish by clicking the "Save" button to report your WhatsApp message.

3. How does it work in the web version?

From the web app, you will be able to report your WhatsApp messages through the steps described below.

Before you begin, log in to the web version of Sage Sales Management and go to the Activity menu:


1. Click on the "Add" button.

2. From the dropdown, select "WhatsApp Activity."

3. Inside the creation form, fill out the necessary fields, including the required ones: Activity type, Date and Time, and Account.

4. Attach a screenshot of your conversation. You can take it from the web version of WhatsApp (ForceManager allows you to attach up to 10 images).

5. Finally, save your WhatsApp Activity to report your conversation.


After reporting the new WhatsApp interaction, you can access it by opening its file inside the Activity menu; you can view and edit its details and share or even delete this activity.


4. Additional Functionality Use Cases

Case #1: Link a WhatsApp activity to your Opportunities

When reporting a WhatsApp message, you can link it to an open opportunity if the message's recipient is connected to an account that has one. You can do this when creating the activity or later when updating it, allowing you to easily track the progress of your opportunities.

1. When creating a WhatsApp activity:

Inside the creation form, scroll-down to the Opportunities field and select the corresponding opportunity to link it to your WhatsApp message.


2. When updating a WhatsApp activity:

From the Activity menu, click on the "Edit" icon, and once inside the editing form, scroll to the Opportunities field and select the related opportunity:


Note: You can perform both actions from both the web and mobile versions of Sage Sales Management.

5. How to filter your WhatsApp messages?

As the rest of your interactions, from the Activity menu you can filter your WhatsApp messages by clicking on the "Activity Types" filter and selecting "WhatsApp Activity." This filter will show the registered WhatsApp messages (depending on your level of visibility, you can view only your messages or those of the rest of your team):


Additionally, you can apply sub-filters to limit your results. For instance, when filtering by "WhatsApp Activity," the default sub-filter will be "WhatsApp message."

Combine the filters and sub-filters for a more detailed analysis. For example, filter by date to view the frequency of WhatsApp messages within a certain time frame, filter by a specific user or account to locate messages from a team member, among other possibilities.

Check out the article "Using Filters in the Activity menu" for more information about this feature.

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