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How to access opportunities?
How to access opportunities?
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Written by Training
Updated today

📌 This feature is available for all plans.

For detailed information on each plan, you can check 👉 here.

1. Accessing from the website

On the side tool menu you will find the “Opportunities” option, click to access your possible sales module.

As shown, this menu is distributed in three sections.

Section 1. Filters by status

Firstly, you have a section that allows you to filter easily your opportunities by status.

By default, when accessing the module, you see all the opportunities with “open” status but for selecting those you need or deselecting, you can filter by specific status (contacted, first visit, etc.) as well as by “closed“ status (won and lost).

Notice that when adding filters in this section, these options are automatically applied to the funnel filters.


Section 2. Opportunities table

Next, there is a table where you can see opportunities you are filtering for, from the top filters (Section 1) and from the funnel.

In this table you can see the name of each opportunity, as well as a fast view of those data: client, owner 1, status, probability, etc. Remember you can customize this view that suits best with the way you work.


Notice that just at the left of the opportunity name, depending on the status/sales forecast date, those are represented in different icons/colours.

  • 22.png

    : If the opportunity is in a Won status

  • 23.png

    : If the opportunity is in a Lost status

  • 24.png

    : If the opportunity is open and the sales forecast day is in 7 days or less

  • 25.png

    : If the opportunity is open and the sales forecast day is expired

  • (without icon): if the opportunity is open and the forecast day is in more than 7 days


Section 3. Summary

At the bottom of the module, you also have a summary of the opportunities you are filtering. You will be able to see:

  • The number of filtered opportunities / no. Open opportunities

  • The value of the filtered opportunities / Value of open opportunities (* The value of the opportunities is normalized to €)

  • The average value of filtered opportunities ÷ number of filtered opportunities / Value of open opportunities ÷ No. open opportunities (* The value of the opportunities is normalized to €)

  • Sales forecast: Weighted value (value × probability of sale) of filtered opportunities / Weighted value (value
    × probability of sale) of open opportunities (* The value of the opportunities is normalized to €)


2. Accessing from the mobile application

Android devices

To access the opportunities module from mobility, expand the left bar and click on “Opportunities”.

You will see the list of all your opportunities and get a general view of them.

Remember if you click an opportunity for a few seconds, you will be able to edit or delete it.


iOS devices

To access the opportunities module from mobility, go to the bottom menu and click on “Opportunities”.

You will see the list of all your opportunities and get a general view of them.

Remember you can manage an opportunity by swiping it left:

  • By clicking on the three dots, you can: delete, edit, follow/unfollow

  • By clicking on the flag, you can: follow/unfollow the opportunity

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