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How to update your data in bulk?
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Written by Training
Updated over a month ago

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To update your Sage Sales Management records, you must first access the Sage Sales Management's Admin app (If you do not have this functionality, contact your Customer Success Manager). Once you are inside the Admin app, go to the Import & Export module.

In this module, you will see different tabs to update your data. Select the tab of your interest and click on the Import button located in the upper right part of the screen:


Next, ForceManager Admin will guide your update through 4 steps.

Step 1. Import type

To update your Sage Sales Management records, you must select "Update existing <Entity>."

This window shows you what will be updated depending on the entity you have selected in the previous step (e.g., "Update existing Opportunities," "Update existing Contacts," etc.)


Next, you need to define the Update Identifier: the field or fields by which we will identify the records to be updated. We recommend using the ID (Sage Sales Management identifier).

You can also use the External ID (identifier of the ERP or tool you have synchronized with Sage Sales Management) and/or any other fields if you wish.


During the following steps, you will need to upload an Excel. All columns relating to fields selected as update identifiers must be completed in the Excel file and all other field columns you wish to update.

Step 2. Download template

This step is optional. If you already have the file prepared, you can go directly to Step 3. However, we recommend using the template to correctly match the fields in Step 4.

To prepare the file before importing, you must download one of the two templates that the menu offers at the bottom of the screen:

  • Download empty template: A window will open with the fields marked as update identifier previously selected. This window allows you to choose the specific fields that you want to update:


Then, click on the Export Excel button. The system will automatically download the file to your downloads folder with the headers of the fields you have selected.

  • Download template with data:When choosing this template, the field selection window will open, allowing you to define your import with the steps described below:

1. Fields selection. In addition to the fields marked as update identifiers, you must include the fields you want to update, whether standard or extra.


2. Filter the data. You can precisely define the records you want to update by using filters. Add as many filters as necessary.


Example 1: If you need to change the postcode and region of the accounts in France because they are incorrect, you must do the following to update them:

  • In step 1: select the fields "Postcode" and "Region/State."

  • In step 2: filter the accounts by country equal to "France" since these are the accounts you must update.

Example 2: If you need to assign a new owner to the accounts of type "Customer" in the country Spain, you must do the following:

  • In step 1: select the "Owner" field.

  • In step 2: filter the accounts by country equal to "Spain" and Account Type equal to "Customer," these are the accounts you will assign the new owner.

Once you finish defining the data to import, click on the Export Excel button. If the data volume is large, the system will send you a notification via email to download the file. Otherwise, the file will be automatically downloaded to your download folder.

In both cases, it is important to consider:

  • Have all the extra fields previously created in Sage Sales Management to assign them to the Excel fields.

  • Do not modify the Excel headers.

  • The Entity's data must be in the first tab of Excel (as you can see in the downloaded file).

  • Validate the required fields with the second tab of the Excel file

Step 3. Upload File

Once the file is ready, click on the continue button and select the file to attach the template with the data entered..

The format must be .xlsx. and it must contain the columns of the fields marked as update identifiers; otherwise, the system will show an error and not allow advancing.


Step 4. Link fields

In this step, you must link the Excel file fields you just uploaded with the ForceManager fields.
From this window, you can see the status of the linked fields in the third column:


The possible status are:

  • Matched values: the values were linked successfully.

  • Field won't be Imported: the Excel field is not matched with any Sage Sales Management field, so the system will not import it.

  • Some values are missing: status available only for fields of type "list of values" or "multi-list of values". Some values in the list do not match those currently created, so you must review them. As a result, the following cases may occur:

    • If the values are correct, you don't have to do anything.

    • If the values are incorrect, click Edit to select the corresponding value. In this section, you can activate the option Hide matched values to find the unmatched ones.


Check required fields

In the Step 4 window, you can also verify the required fields by marking the checkbox "Check all required fields" to guarantee that all fields (standard and extra) defined as required are correctly matched.


According to the marked checkbox, if the system detects that a field marked as mandatory is not associated, the following error is displayed:


When you finish matching the values, the status will change to "matched values," then you can go to the next step by clicking on "Finish import."

Finish Import

To finish the import, you must confirm that you are sure to update the records for the selected Entity.

  1. Verify the number of entities to update and write the word “UPDATE.”

  2. Confirm the update by clicking on the Yes, update button.


Once the records are updated in Sage Sales Management, you will receive an email notification.


In addition, from the Import & Export menu, you can always:

  • Review the import history.

  • Download the file.

  • Check the import date and check the import result.

Download and Error Handling

If there are errors in the import, the system will send you a notification via email.

To check the cause of the errors, go to the Import & Export menu inside the Admin app, position the pointer on the file and click on "Download errors."


To precisely see the cause of the errors and where they are located, click on them:


To fix them, download an error file by clicking on Download errors in the top alert of the pop-up window.

When opening the file, you can see the cells to be corrected highlighted in red, as shown in the following GIF:


After finishing the necessary corrections, you can re-import the file.

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