To see the available validation rules, go to Sage Sales Management's Admin (If you don't have access to this platform, contact your Customer Success Manager).
Once inside Admin, go to the Validation Rules module. This module shows the following table compounded of four columns describing the validation type, the rules' actions, and which fields these rules have been activated.
The columns you can find in this table are:
1. Name: This column displays the names assigned to each validation rule.
2. Data type: This shows the type of data that the field must contain to link a corresponding validation rule. For example: if the validation is "Text" type, you can only link it to Text type fields.
3. Description: This column shows a brief description of each rule's actions.
4. Fields in which it is used: Shows the entity's name and fields on which the corresponding validation rule is active.
Validation Rules enabled by default
In the following table, you can see each of the available rules and the actions they execute to verify the data:
Email (for text fields) | Validates that the text entered complies with the format of an email: |
Credit card (for text fields) | Validates that the numbers entered match the format of a credit card and that it belongs to a valid credit card. |
Without spaces (for text fields) | Validates that the text entered does not contain spaces. |
Lower-case only (for text fields) | Validates that the text entered contains only lower-case letters. |
Upper-case only (for text fields) | Validates that the text entered contains only upper-case letters. |
Numbers only (for text fields) | Validates that the text entered contains only numbers. |
Numeric range from 1 to 100 (for integer fields) | Validates that the number entered is between a minimum value of 1 and a maximum of 100. |
VAT (Tax ID) (for text fields) | It validates if the text entered has the VAT or Tax ID format that corresponds to the standard for each country through the country code obtained from the country acronym code. |
NIF (Spanish Tax ID) (for text fields) | It validates if the text entered has the format of the NIF (Spanish Tax ID): X12345678 or 12345678X or X1234567X; and if it is valid through the control code obtained from the characters entered. |
Spanish Passport (for text fields) | Validates that the text entered has the format of the Spanish Passport: XXX123456 or XX123456X. |
DNI and NIE (Spanish ID card)(for text fields) | Validates that the text entered has the format of the DNI: 12345678X or NIE: X1234567X; and if it is valid through the control code obtained from the characters entered. |
Working days (for date fields) | Validates that the date entered is a day between Monday and Friday. |
Date range 1 year before & after today (for date fields) | Validates that the date entered is neither earlier than 1 year from today nor later than 1 year from today. |
Note: You have the validation rules previously described by default. However, you can request the Sage Sales Management team to create new rules that meet your business needs. Therefore, the number and type of rules may vary depending on how your account is configured. |