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Intelligent Voice Reporting
Intelligent Voice Reporting
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Written by Training
Updated over a week ago

Voice reporting powered by Dana AI's artificial intelligence is designed to solve one of the biggest challenges in CRM adoption by sales teams: data entry.

Voice reporting powered by Dana AI represents a significant advancement in how sales teams interact with CRM.

How Does Voice Reporting Work?

Voice Note Recording

  • After a Visit: Salespeople can record a voice note instead of writing a manual report.

  • Flexibility: These voice notes can be recorded at any time, whether after a visit, during a trip, or even while in the office.

Transcription and Analysis

  • Automatic Transcription: The recorded voice notes are automatically transcribed using artificial intelligence.

  • Data Interpretation: The system not only transcribes the voice but also interprets the information and structures it appropriately in the CRM.

Reporting Automation

  • CRM Update: Once transcribed and analysed, Dana AI suggests various actions based on the generated report.

  • Efficiency: Dana AI will not duplicate data already mentioned in your report, so you won't need to select products for a new order or look for the contact email to write an email. You will only need to select the actions you wish to perform at that moment.

You can:

  • Create Orders

  • Create New Emails

  • Perform Check-ins

  • Create Tasks

  • Create Events

Benefits of Voice Reporting

  • Efficiency: Salespeople can focus on what they do best: selling and communicating with clients, without worrying about data entry in the CRM.

  • Precision: Artificial intelligence ensures that information is recorded with accuracy and consistency.

  • Added Value: Both salespeople and sales directors can see the value of the CRM with complete and updated information.

With this functionality, salespeople can continue doing what they do best, while artificial intelligence takes care of the rest. This innovation not only improves efficiency and accuracy in data entry but also adds considerable value to the CRM, facilitating better decision-making and more effective management of sales opportunities.

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