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Scan Card
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Written by Training
Updated over a month ago

🔗 This feature is available for all plans.

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Scan Card Sage Copilot is a tool designed to simplify the process of digitising information contained in business cards.

Traditionally, upon receiving a new business card, one would have to manually input each piece of data into the desired system or device, a process that can be tedious and time-consuming.

However, Sage Copilot addresses this issue, allowing users to capture the information from business cards automatically with a single scan. In doing so, the application not only identifies and extracts the relevant data from the card but can also correct typographical errors and add handwritten notes, creating a new contact with all the data scanned by Dana AI and eliminating the need for manual input.

How does Scan Card work?

From the Contacts menu, click on add icon, at the top right of the screen

select "Scan Card"

Capture your contact's card


Once you have captured the card, you will notice that the contact's data fields have been automatically populated with the supplied information. Please review it and assign a company to the contact. Once you have all the necessary information, click on "Save" to add the contact to the list in your menu.

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