To send a Quote from Sage Sales Management to Sage 50, make sure the server where you have Sage 50 installed with Sage Sales Management connector is active.
Once in “Draft ✔️”, if you want the Quote to appear in Sage 50, you will go into the order, and click on the pencil, on the top right corner of the screen, to edit it.
Scroll down until you find a new field called “Synchronize with Sage 50” and click Yes. Save the order and it will go through the state “Pending final sync (⇆)”, in this state the Quotation will be synchronized with Sage, and the prices will be calculated according to Sage pricing logic (in case there was any modification since the last synchronization) This will take a few minutes. Once synchronised and the prices are validated, the Quotation will move to “Won/Lost” status in Sage Sales Management.
After this final state, any further modifications will be made directly from Sage 50.